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  • Writer's pictureElaina Simpson, C.S.

Fruitful ideas

Updated: Feb 7, 2022

Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. — Jesus. Fruitage is a chapter at the end of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. This chapter contains healings, inspiration, and prayerful ideas from individuals that were healed by reading the book (Science and Health) itself. These testimonies of healing were sent to Mary Baker Eddy (discoverer and founder of Christian Science) or were previously published in the Christian Science Periodicals. Eddy hand-picked these testimonies for her book. The depth, inspiration, and loveliness of these letters imply why they must have been picked for the fruitage chapter.

Some of these writers were drawn to Christian Science by the healing life examples of others' lives. One found Christian Science by noticing a crowded Wednesday evening church service. And, a husband was given the book on the train home from a business trip to see his nearly paralyzed wife.

Some of these testifiers read Science and Health by themselves, some read the book as an activity with others, and one individual read the book by the bedside of her almost-blind sister. Interwoven themes of these testimonies overlap in commonalities. For example, these individuals had a deep desire for spiritual answers, they had hope, they were careful and diligent in their study, they were grateful and open-minded. One testifier quoted Paul in describing his study, “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” This verse encapsulates the willingness these testifiers had, to see things from a different perspective.

These stories consist of instantaneous healings such as a tender one about a mother's prayer when her child had symptoms of croup cough. There were some healings that took a few months of persistent study and prayer. Some notable healings consist of an individual healed of a 50 pound tumor within a couple of days, an individual healed of tuberculosis, another healed from suicidal ideation, and another of deafness. One woman described the effect of prayers for her child, "He has passed through some of the worst forms of contagion untouched and unharmed." (613:24) We also find moral healings such as, prejudice towards the Bible dissolved and healings of marital infidelity and even martial separation. When previously suffering, some testifiers were told by medical professionals to change their outward circumstances, such as their climates. But, the bible-derived ideas in Science and Health helped these individuals right where they were in thought- In the comfort of their own homes without appointments or the prostrating and paralyzing side effects from their harsh medicines. I really am not one to cry much, but some of these testimonies have moved me to tears. I am rereading this chapter this week and would love it if you joined me in your own independent study. It's important to note that we all are able to experience the healing effects of Love. It's not just for certain people from a distant time. While these testimonies are all from Mary Baker Eddy's time, healings just like these are being written and shared today in the Christian Science Periodicals.

Here is the link to the chapter. I hope you enjoy these fruitful and healing ideas. Have a great evening,



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