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  • Writer's pictureElaina Simpson, C.S.

Beatitudes (Part II)

Updated: Feb 7, 2022

By Elaina Simpson, C.S.

I'll repeat the intro from last week and then I'll move into the next two beatitudes! "Praying for the world can sometimes feel like a big thing to do. Once when I didn't know where to start, it occurred to me to check out the beatitudes. Since then, I've found the beatitudes (or the "blessings) to be a useful guide for praying for the world. Seeing them spiritually illumines them and proves just how useful they are. It's always going to be the same Truth, but each beatitude will mean something special to each individual in their unique time of need-- Bringing new and fresh revelations. So needless to say, there is no right or wrong way to look at these. I've found it helpful to unpack each beatitude looking at it's spiritual meaning. For my own notes, I found it useful to look to Mary Baker Eddy's (discover and founder of Christian Science) writings to find complimentary parallels that portray each beatitude. Although we do not know if she was referring exactly to the beatitudes when she wrote these verses, these verses certainly expand on and fulfill the beatitudes."

3.) Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Mrs. Eddy writes about how we can understand God with spiritual sense. Talking about spiritual sense, she writes "This sense is assimilated only as we are honest, unselfish, loving, and meek." (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, 272:3–5) We see, there must be some connection between being meek and developing our spiritual sense. I like to think of our spiritual sense, as 'inherit[ing] the earth.' In our natural and God-given expression of meekness, we also find our spiritual sense. We inherit all good. Speaking of 'inherit[ing] the earth,' we can look to Eddy's bible-derived definition of 'earth' to find out what exactly we inherit: "a type of eternity and immortality, which are likewise without beginning or end." (SH. 585:5) To me, this definition is similar to what spiritual sense is. But, what does 'meek' mean? If meekness means inheriting spiritual sense, that means that meekness can't be synonymous with weakness, but it must mean strength, might, dominion (inheriting the earth). Often when describing Christ Jesus, Mary Baker Eddy often pairs together the words, 'meekness and might.' She writes, "In meekness and might, he was found preaching the gospel to the poor." (SH 30:32–1) So, to be meek doesn't mean we must be timid, quiet, and not helpful. But it means, to humbly see our oneness with God in might, and therefore, 'inherit the earth.' In our meekness and might, we inherit the 'earth,' our spiritual understanding of God. 4.) Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Hungering and thirsting is not about waiting around, but about striving:

"Simply asking that we may love God will never make us love Him; but the longing to be better and holier, expressed in daily watchfulness and in striving to assimilate more of the divine character, will mould and fashion us anew, until we awake in His likeness. We reach the Science of Christianity through demonstration of the divine nature..."

(SH 4:16–24 to (to ;)) As one hungers and thirsts, (strives, longs for, reaches to), there is a promise that comes with it... That 'they shall be filled.' In the statement above, Mary Baker Eddy echos this promise; As we awake 'in His likeness' we are 'mould[ed] and fashion[ed]... anew.' To me, this is a promise that striving is a promise of of fulfillment, being filled with these beautiful promises. In our striving, hungering, and thirsting, we see in prayer that we already have all that we need. We don't have to wait around to get it at a later date. The Scripture that promises that we are filled; "my cup runneth over." (Psalms 23:5) Have a lovely evening,



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