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Are you running toward Goliath?

Writer's picture: Elaina Simpson, C.S.Elaina Simpson, C.S.

Updated: Feb 7, 2022

By Elaina Simpson, C.S.

You may have heard of the 'David and Goliath' story found in the Bible (I Samuel 17).

David, a young boy from Judah, was ordered by King Saul to fight the Philistine warrior, Goliath. (The picture above is just one I picked out to represent what Goliath may have looked like.) Goliath arrived at battle decked out in the 'latest and greatest' battle weapons and armor. David looked up and told the large Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied." All David had was a little slingshot and some stones in his pocket.

In this story, Goliath can represent many things- But it's helped me to think of Goliath representing and symbolizing David's fear. When teaching this story to a young class in Sunday School, I noticed an interesting part of the story. It said, "David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him." David, the boy who had doubts about being able to fight this warrior, actually ended up running toward the fear. Needless to say, David won.

He could run toward the fear/challenge because he knew it would not overtake him. With the promise of Love's (God's) allness, he was protected and knew that fear had no power to hinder him. David remembered what King Saul said to him: "Go, and the Lord be with you.” This is really the only armor we need when combatting any situation that may make us fearful.

While there is much more to dive into with this story, let's stick with this particular lesson: When we are doing what's right, we can run towards the fear and face it because it has no power. If there is any "Goliath" in your thinking let's run towards that fear, knowing its powerlessness. Whether it's a fear of the future, fear of being alone, fear of what others think, fear of the unknown, fear of a bad outcome... Surrendering to God's allness rather than to fear, we realize fear has no power to make one feel stuck or stopped in their tracks. Knowing fear's powerlessness and nothingness, you can be fearless and bravely run toward it. You know it has no power to win or to defeat you.

When a challenge feels too big, too scary, or undefeatable, one can hold to what David knew. Love is with you. When David knew this, he realized he didn't really have a battle to fight at all. The war was already won.

Here's to conquering those "Goliaths!"



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