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Maryland Committee On Publication

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What does a Committee on Publication officer do?

"The State Committees on Publication act under the direction of this Committee on Publication."
(Manual of The Mother Church, Mary Baker Eddy 97:1)

"It shall be the duty of the Committee on Publication to correct in a Christian manner impositions on the public in regard to Christian Science, injustices done Mrs. Eddy or members of this Church by the daily press, by periodicals or circulated literature of any sort. This Committee on Publication shall be responsible for correcting or having corrected a false newspaper article which has not been replied to by other Scientists, or which has been forwarded to this Committee for the purpose of having him reply to it."
(Man.15–6 It)

A Committee on Publication also does work behind the scenes. This includes confidentiality when supporting state residents and members of Christian Science Churches. Christian Science Churches may also hold meetings with the Committee on Publication, to discuss Manual-related work. The general public or press may also reach out to a Committee on Publication, for information on Christian Science. 


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